SoulShine Offerings


We are passionate about connecting people and reducing feelings of  isolation in Norfolk and surroundings.


Speaking our truth to one another and being heard brings a sense of acceptance and respect for each and every person.


We love to celebrate one another. We each are unique and individual and that is what makes us all awesome! We celebrate you!


We collaborate with others that offer services or information that we admire. Collaborating can support us all on our journeys.

Intuitively Nourished with Amy

Intuitively Nourished will:

  • Support you to re-claim your power.
  • Make peace with your body
  • Empower you to radically change the way you see yourself
  • Support you to find more Freedom with food.

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Groove Dance

Groove is a dynamically interactive and creative group dance experience. With great music your facilitator will Unite everyone in a simple movement or rhythm but you get to dance it in your own Unique way, while exploring a variety of different styles and genres.

You will experience everything from slow, delicious meditative grooves to heart thumping and strength building cardio beats.

The perfect recipe to nurture your mind, body, heart and soul.

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Marvellous Mums Weekly Support Group

A free weekly supportive meet-up for expectant mums and new mums with pre-crawling babies. It’s a friendly and welcoming community, perfect for meeting other mums, sharing experiences and taking time out for just you and your baby.

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Marvellous Mums Connected New Online Project

Marvellous Mums Connected is all about sharing information and personal experiences to empower mums to do it their way! Join our online community for monthly Q&A with perinatal professionals, real time support and discussion with other local mums and access to shared resources, recommendations and personal experiences to help you confidently make the daily decisions for yourselves and your families.


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Playful parents norfolk

Playful Parents

Playful Parents is a ‘Stay & Play’ group with a difference!

It is based around principles of Free Play for the children and Gentle/Positive Parenting Approaches for the adults and it offers the support of a community of other like minded parents and caregivers.

Each week we provide opportunities for children to take part in child initiated, open-ended, free play.  This will include dramatic play, gross motor play, nature play, imaginary play, creative play, messy play and many more!

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Empowered Health Workshops

Empowered Health is a series of monthly holistic well being workshops that consist of mindfulness, embodiment practices, guided meditations, Groove and creative activities to support and empower your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health and well being.

This project is fully funded by the National Lottery, after being accepted for their Awards For All Grants.

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Wild Woman Photoshoots

Sisterhood. Connection. Acceptance. Love. Support.

These beautiful days offer a safe, supportive and compassionate space for women to express, embrace and celebrate who they are whilst being in incredible natural surroundings.

In ceremony and through guided meditations, singing, poetry, dancing, drumming and sharing food together. Each woman is celebrated, encouraged and supported every step of the way to feel confident and proud of who they are.

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Soil to Soul

Empowering nature and heart based community project

Connecting us to ourselves, others and the natural world around us.

It will create and nurture a welcoming, fun and safe space for people to develop self-care practices and enhance self-confidence, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Soil to Soul will also allow people to build and strengthen their connection with nature through land-based activities over the seasons of the year.

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Connect with SoulShine

21 Castle Meadow

Norwich, NR1 3DH 

Amy 07518449951

Robyn 07810743378

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